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What is a profile?

A profile is how you send your 2FA codes to the right destination. It includes:

Method: The way you receive codes (phone number, email, or authenticator app).

Destination: The slack channel where you want the codes to be sent.

Example: If you choose a phone profile, you’ll get a dedicated phone number and assign it to a specific Slack channel. Any 2FA code sent to that phone number will automatically appear in that channel. A single phone profile can be used for multiple logins (e.g, Google, Facebook, Netflix).

FAQ: Can I share 2FA codes with multiple Slack channels?

No, each profile is linked to one destination. If you need codes to go to multiple channels, you’ll need to create additional profiles.


$7.99/month for Phone Profiles
$3.99/month for Authenticator & Email Profiles


$87.99/year for Phone Profiles
$43.99/year for Authenticator & Email Profiles